How do I connect a phone number to my WABA account?

How do I connect a phone number to my WhatsApp account?

  1. After WhatsApp and Display Name approval, click the "Add" button under the Phone Number section.
  2. You can select a MyOperator DID or enter your own number.
  3. For MyOperator DID/Numbers, OTP verification is automated. Select the Number from the dropdown and start the verification process. If Verification fails or takes more than 5 minutes, then you can switch to “Add my number” method.
  4. In the “Add my number” section, enter your chosen DID and select the OTP via phone call option. Note: Before proceeding, simplify the IVR by removing the welcome message, then redirect the call to a single department and add yourself to that department. The IVR should not ask for any input and do test it before requesting an OTP call
  5. Additionaly, you can also set up WhatsApp on any SIM card number. Just input the number and generate the OTP through a phone call or text message.
  6. Once verified, the account status will change to Live.

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