How does the integration logic work with FreshDesk Integration?

How does the integration logic work with FreshDesk Integration?

The integration process is initiated when the details are entered, and the submit button is clicked. The system will perform the following steps:
  1. Validation Check:
    1. The entered domain and API key will be validated by making a request to the Freshdesk API.
    2. If the API key or domain is invalid, a warning message will be displayed to the user.
    3. If both the API key and domain are correct, the integration process will proceed.
  2. Agent Synchronization:
    1. Once the validation is successful, the system will initiate the synchronization process.
    2. All agents from the Freshdesk platform will be synced to our system simultaneously. Users can also be synced manually from the following link: Sync users
  3. Completion:
    1. Upon successful synchronization, the integration process will be marked as completed.
    2. Users will be notified about the successful integration.