What are the basic requirements and steps involved for the integration of SalezShark CRM?

What are the basic requirements and steps involved for the integration of SalezShark CRM?

  1. Incall and aftercall webhook from the SalezShark team
  2. MyOperator number

      Provide the details along with logging in to tech support team

Sample URL:

- Content -type :x-www-form-urlencoded
- Header field ["dsmid: 5D78F08962498C71EB57BB213F94FE16"]
- Dsmid parameter changes (check with CRM team)
Content -type :x-www-form-urlencoded
["content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded","dsmid: 5D78F08962498C71EB57BB213F94FE16"]