What are the steps for integrating FreshDesk with MyOperator?

What are the steps for integrating FreshDesk with MyOperator?

Step 1: Enter Details
Navigate to the integration page and enter the required details:
      -Company ID
      -API Key, Ticket type
      -Criteria Filters
Step 2: Click Submit
      - Click the submit button to trigger the integration process.
Step 3: Validation Check
      - The system will verify the entered domain and API key by making a request to the Freshdesk API.
      - If the API key or domain is incorrect, a warning message will be displayed, and the integration will be halted.
Step 4: Agent Synchronization
      - If validation is successful, the system will proceed to sync all agents from Freshdesk to our system.
      - This process will ensure that the latest agent data is available in our system.
Step 5: Integration Completion
      - Upon successful synchronization, the integration process will be marked as completed.
      - Users will receive a notification confirming the successful integration."