FAQ's Videos
How do I "Remove Users"?
To 'Remove' a user from your account: Click on ‘Users’ in the ‘Manage Section’. Here’s your list of users. Click on the 3 dots which are available on the right-hand side of each user. On you will get the option to delete the user. Click ok on the ...
How do I update the User's information?
To update the information of the users: Click on ‘Users’ in the ‘ Manage Section’. Your ‘User List’ will be visible. Click on the 3 dots which are available on the right-hand side of each user. Select the edit option and you can edit the user's ...
How do I 'Disable' an added 'User' from receiving my business calls?
To 'Disable' a user from receiving your business calls: Go to 'Users' in the 'Manage' section. You have all the users enlisted as per their ‘Extensions’, ‘Role’, and ‘Name’. Click on the 3 dots which is available on the right-hand side of each user. ...
How do I subscribe for Call Reports?
Open the MyOperator web portal and click on the "Reports" option given at the top of the panel. On the Reports page selects the settings to option on the left-hand side. On the settings page click on 'Edit' on daily report subscription and select the ...
What is "Logs" section?
MyOperator offers you a call tracking solution, wherein the received, missed, and connected calls of your team are tracked and shown on your MyOperator Web App. These calls are displayed in the "Logs" section, which is available on the top black ...
How do I get to know about the my MyOperator account usage?
To view the account usage of your MyOperator account, do the following: Login to your MyOperator account using the web app with your registered credentials. Click on the "Account Options" button on the top-right, available on the dashboard. Click on ...
How do I archive or unarchive logs?
MyOperator gives you the opportunity to archive or unarchive call logs that are tracked. To: Archive Logs: 1. Go to "Logs" and select the logs that you want to archive individually. 2. Click on the "Archive Log" button on the top left. Unarchive ...
How do I download the call recording audios?
MyOperator not only tracks your business calls, but records the conversations that take place between the agent and the caller. Call recordings are not only a gateway to understand customer feedback, but an asset to improve on your product/marketing ...
How do I view Call Logs on MyOperator account?
MyOperator offers you call tracking solution, wherein the received, missed and connected calls of your team are tracked and shown on your MyOperator Web App and MyOperator mobile app. These calls are displayed in the "Logs" section, which is ...
How do I filter call logs on MyOperator Web app?
MyOperator offers you default filters as follows: Connected: Incoming and Outgoing calls that you receive or make on your business phone. Missed: Calls that you or your team failed to answer. SMS: Text messages sent or received on your MyOperator ...
What are "Notes"? How do I add notes?
To add a note in any of your logs: Just select a particular log, Click on notes and add test note on this log simply press enter, and save it. Note helps you to note if in case you have specific thing that has to be added regarding that particular ...
How to block any callers?
To block any caller: 1. Login to your MyOperator panel. 2. Click on “Logs” at the top. 3. Choose a particular number and click on “Block caller”. There is a block caller page on manage from where you can unblock, or you can also click on "unblock" ...
How do I view my Call Reports?
To view Reports, click on the reports icon on the top. In the reports platform, where you can view the analytical reports of your incoming and outgoing business calls. These calls can be segmented Day-wise, Week-wise, Month-wise, and Quarter-wise. ...
How do I 'Manage Groups' in the 'Reports' section?
This option is used to view the reports of specific users or departments. To use this feature on your MyOperator Web App, Go to ‘Manage Groups’ in green on the top-right in the ‘Reports’ section. Click on ‘Create new group’. Enter the details such as ...
How do I add users?
To add users to your MyOperator account: Click on ‘Users’ in the ‘ Manage Section’. Now click on ‘Add New’ on the top right here. Enter the details such as: ‘Name’ ‘The user’s Business Email Address’ ‘Assign an extension number’ ‘His Mobile number’ ...