Check the disturbance is a constant for all calls or some particular call. Identify that the user is using mobile or landline. If mobile then tries to resolve the issue by restarting. You can try to resolve by changing the call route. Contact your ...
Make sure your call flow settings have been done correctly and department & user assign part done properly. If you are facing the same issue then contact your account manager with the UID of the affected calls. Or write to us at ...
Identify, when the calls are getting muted. Let inform your account manager regarding the call muted at the start of the call, end of the call or anytime during the call. Then contact your account manager and inform all the details you have regarding ...
You need to identify where are the issues. Is it in your end or caller end. Then you need to check that calls from PRI landline or from a mobile phone. Then contact your account manager and inform all the details you have regarding the issues. Or ...
You need to identify where are the issues. Is it in your end or caller end. Then you need to check that calls from PRI landline or from a mobile phone. Then contact your account manager and inform all the details you have regarding the issues. Or ...
You need to identify where are the issues. Is it in your end or caller end. Then you need to check that calls from PRI landline or from a mobile phone. Then contact your account manager and inform all the details you have regarding the issues. Or ...
If you are getting any error message share the error message with your account manager along with the name of the phone operator and network circle of the number. Or write to us at MyOperator is an initiative towards making ...
If you are getting any error message share the error message with your account manager along with the name of the phone operator and network circle of the number. Or write to us at MyOperator is an initiative towards making ...
If you are getting any error message share the error message with your account manager along with the name of the phone operator and network circle of the number. Or write to us at MyOperator is an initiative towards making ...
To turn on or turn off the call availability option, follow the steps mentioned below: 1. Login to your MyOperator panel & click on the “Accounts option” at the top right. 2. Go to the Call Availability Option and click on the turn “On” if you are ...
The "Call availability" option allows all Pro users (Basic, Moderator or Administrator) to turn "on" or "off" the permission to receive IVR calls. If a Pro user is available to receive IVR calls, then he/she can turn “On” the call availability ...
If a strictly bind sticky agent turns “Off” the call availability option, then the call will get disconnected. However, if a loosely bind sticky agent turns “Off” the call availability option, then the customer’s call will get routed to another ...