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How can I add sound files to Audio Library?
To add sound files from the sound library, follow the below mentioned steps: 1. Login to your MyOperator panel and and click on “Manage” at the top. 2. Go to settings and click on “Design Callflow”. 3. Go to “Audio library” from left pane. 4. Click ...
What is Audio Library?
Audio library is the set of files chosen by you, to set IVR tones. These files/tones are taken from the computer manually. To know, how to add sound files to your library, click here (How can I add sound files to Audio Library?)
What should I do if there is no ring/sound played in case of outgoing calls or Click to Call?
Identify the caller, where no ring/sound played for outgoing calls and share the UID with your account manager to resolve the issue or write to us at The AM can further run some test calls from the panel and share the UID with ...
Where should I upload sound to be played while user is on hold?
1. Login to your MyOperator panel and click on “Manage” at the top. 2. In the settings section click on “Design Callflow”. 3. Click on “Advance setting” from the left pane. 4. Click on "Edit" for selected call flow. 5. Enable Music on hold. 6. Enter ...
How can I add/edit sounds to be played in a Call flow?
1. Login to your MyOperator panel and click on “Manage” at the top. 2. In the settings section click on “Design Callflow”. 3. Click on “Audio Library” from the left pane 4. Click on Add Files 5. Enter the prompt text you want 6. There are two ...